Demonstrate to single women who desire marriage and wives how to win in life, business, and relationships!


  • Desire to grow personally, emotionally, mentally, financially, and spiritually.
  • Desire to contribute to the overall health and wealth of your relationships, partnerships, and marriage.
  • Desire to be a part of a community that will help build, support, and encourage you on your marital journey.
  • Know that you need to lock elbows with other strong, courageous, and Winning individuals for continued support, encouragement, and direction on how to win in life, business, and relationships.
  • Are Change Agents and want to use their influence to foster change in their marriage.
  • Promotes and Practices Inner (mental and emotional) healing and understands that healing is a lifelong journey.


The CEO and Founder of Wives Who Win (WWW) LLC is Dr. Treal Ravenel.

I help wives, girlfriends, date mates, and significant others to transform by applying winning principles.

I understand that as a woman, there are times, you may feel unsupported, unfulfilled, unloved, unappreciated, unnecessary, or invisible. There are a limited amount of people in your circle of influence that you can talk with or confide in concerning how you feel and how it’s impacting your relationships.

I am here to allow you to explore in discovering the total woman. In order to do that, you must detach from shame, embarrassment, and any feeling and emotion that is preventing you from transforming. I will share with you the ingredients to creating winning principles so you can live them out loud.

My why? For wives and other women who one day desire marriage to experience transformation by applying winning principles!


Are you Ready to:

Learn what it means to become a wife in the 21st century!

Identify other goals and aspirations that will offer fulfillment and satisfaction in other areas of your life!

Discover and utilize your strengths can help you have a better life, succeed in business, and have better relationships!

Discover how to foster personal and interpersonal development in your present and future relationships!

Find out how to make use of your purpose!

Increase your personal development, which will enhance your intimacy and emotional connection with your partner!

Check out what others are saying...

As a woman and wife it’s hard to look at yourself when your marriage is going through changes. When you are the one that's upset, you never consider that you play a part in the situation. And it's crazy to think you are just as wrong as your spouse when he's the one who messed up; sometimes we forget to honor our vows. Especially, the one that says “for better or for worse” when we're mad. Most of all, we take God out and forget he is the mender of it all. We try to change or improve our spouse when ultimately God is the only one who can fix them. Well it's time to change perspectives. You could very well be wrong for the way you handled the situation, wrong for not being positive, wrong for going outside the marriage and sharing business that doesn't belong outside of the relationship. There can be a few things you did. My eyes were not open to my wrongs until Treal Ravenel entered into my life. This marriage coach is everything. I confided confidentially and not only did she listen, she gave me the most powerful advice I could ever receive. And that was to look at myself and what part I played in our current marital issues. This brought immediate results for us. Improvements came. Then I wasted no time pre-ordering her new book HOW TO WIN IN YOUR MARRIAGE GODS WAY. I am so excited about this book. This book is such a blessing. It not only helped me realize my faults but also gave solutions. This book is already blessing my marriage. Thank you Treal for your ministry serving couples like us. I recommend this book to women, whether you are married or single. It will definitely encourage you. I also learned the most important thing. And that’s without God in the equation, it can't truly and sufficiently be fixed. I am learning how to love my husband Gods way. I went from a wife who was losing to a wife that wins!!! ~Samoya Gray (Moncks Corner, SC)  

Treal Ravenel aka the Wife Coach @wiveswhowin. I am only on page 23 [of her book Wives Who Win] and I am truly being transformed with every page I read. She says it best “The better you are, the better your marriage will be.” I am striving to win in my marriage and ensure that my earthly king feels valued. We are described as help mates in the Bible, therefore we are to help more and criticize our husbands less. If you want to be a willing wife, follow Treal, the Wife Coach and make room to attend her local and national events. ~Sally G. (Kingston, Jamaica

When the world is so loud, it gets tough to be centered in our relationship with God, but I urge you not to take this for granted. In the beginning I lead my life, marriage, and home through my flesh. I knew God but He was not the head of my life and center of my marriage and family. As I began to understand that my marriage was my FIRST ministry my mind shifted. To be a wife who wins in her marriage you must keep God number one. By allowing Him a place to dwell you open up a level of prosperity and love that is unlike anything you could ever fathom. Trust your marriage to Him. He will supply the courage you need to keep your marriage strong in the midst of chaos, because I promise you everyday is not sunshine and rainbows. Strive to delve deeper into becoming a better, spirit driven helpmate for your husband. Also, remember that the vows you took were just the beginning and it is going to take intentional daily acts to continue to achieve the marriage that God has for you. ~Neshama B. (United Kingdom)

For the last 12 years the only thing I knew was that my husband and I loved each other and that neither one of us was going anywhere. For years we were just going through the motions, I mean we would fuss over the smallest things. I would get so upset with my husband and would go days without speaking to him. I started thinking did we make the wrong choice. I started winning in my marriage when I started to learned who I was and what my role was in my marriage. I joined Wives Who Win and started applying nuggets to make my marriage better. I stopped nagging and started praying for my husband. I started looking at my husband differently, respecting him differently, and treating him differently. My marriage is healthier now than it's ever been. Our communication is stronger than ever. I am a Warrior, I operate in integrity, and I will Never give up! I am a Wife Who Wins!! Happy Marriage Happy Life! ~V. Whitlock (Charleston, SC)  



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